Score Keeping Requirements
REMINDER: Scorekeeping responsibilities
Any scorecards with errors can potentially disqualify an individual or your team from the event. It is the responsibility of the team captain, (lowest handicapped player), to turn in a correct scorecard.
Please use both scorecards, compare results for each player’s gross totals. Each week we hand out two scorecards so that two team members can independently keep score and compare the results, and correct any discrepancies.
Record gross scores only. The computer will calculate the net scores, points and team scores. If you want to keep track of net scores, points and team scores, use the 2nd unofficial paper scorecard. Make sure that the gross scores are accurate and legible. Please remember to TOTAL each players score on the card which is turned in. It is used to check your math against what is keyed into the computer for each player. Thanks!
Record a score for every player on every hole regardless of the team game. Any player can be selected as a blind draw for another team, so we need everyone’s scores for all holes.